Iota Press began in 2002 when I drew my pension from the Carpenters’ Union and began to work through manuscripts with an eye to publishing. I fell hard into an addiction to letterpress printing, and set up a little shop in my garage. . In 2009, I rented a public shop space in Sebastopol where I live, and began conducting letterpress workshops. To my surprise I had stepped into a a small wave off interest in the old way of printing, and it led to Iota Press hosting a sort of co-op printing group. It grew in energy and influence until we founded a nonprofit, North Bay Letterpress Arts, which is now in larger space at the same location. Having come to the brink of my eighties, I decided to withdraw from active management at the end of 2021. Hence this resurrected website for Iota Press, mainly to share a retrospective look at my diverse work. The books and flatwork shown are not for sale online, but if anyone feels particularly drawn to acquire a book, just write me at <iota@sonic.net> and we’ll work something out.